Biomechanical (MSK) walking/gait analysis and orthotics

Biomechanical (MSK) walking/gait analysis and orthotics
During the biomechanical assessment I take specific measurements around the hips, knees, ankles and feet to establish whether your body is working within normal movement limits. Muscles are also assessed to make sure that they are not too tight/weak. I also use a state of the art video gait analysis system called ‘Dartfish’, which is used by many coaches and physios to analyse sporting techniques in depth. This allows me to arrive at a much better understanding as to how your symptoms relate to your walking/running style. Patients particularly find this aspect of the assessment very enlightening as they may not have ever seen themselves walking or running before.
What do I need to bring to this appointment?
Shorts or loose-fitting trousers, so I can better analyse your movements
A typical selection of shoes for example trainers, work shoes, walking shoes. (Shoes you will want to wear insoles in)
Previously worn orthotics if appropriate (not a requirement)
What if I need Insoles or Orthotics?
The orthotics can either be manufactured in the clinic or in a specialist laboratory. In the latter case, casts of your feet will be made in the clinic and sent away to the laboratory to be made up in a material called ‘carbon fibre’, which is lightweight, slim yet supportive. Sometimes a softer material called ‘EVA’ is also used. These are not arch supports, like over the counter supports; these are highly customised shoe insoles designed to be fitted into a variety of shoes to your specific foot shape. They also have a long shelf life (in some cases many years) Having spent much time in this industry, I have selected the very best manufacturers, who can deliver the most appropriate insoles, individualised to each person. For example, they can be extra slimline to fit in lady’s shoes or they might look like a full length running trainer insole adapted for that type of shoe. I also advise on the best types of shoe technology to accompany any insole, so that a perfect fit between the foot/shoe/insole is obtained. In this way you can be assured that the insole will always fit comfortably into your shoe.
If appropriate, referrals may be made to osteopaths, physios, G.Ps, or consultant surgeons or podiatric surgeons. The clinic also provides osteopathy.

What my clients say ...

After a consultation, Margaret established that I had a pronation of both feet, a kink in my spine and shortened tendons. She gave me exercises to complete and bespoke inserts for my shoes. This has eased my knee pain when walking considerably. All this was achieved within the first consultation – very impressive. I would definitely recommend Margaret to others (and indeed have done so).
Dawn Gould