Forefoot pain / Neuromas / Metatarsalgia / Bunions / Hammer toes
Metatarsalgia is a general name given to pain in the front part or ball of your foot under the heads of your metatarsal bones. Metatarsalgia can be caused by several different conditions affecting the foot. One of these is called a Neuroma, which is a trapped nerve pain occurring between the bones of the ball of the foot. It is aggravated by walking on hard surfaces and putting on tight shoes. There may be a burning or shooting pain, or a sharp aching, and there may be tingling or numbness in the toes. Other causes of Metatarsalgia can be from injury, inflammation, diseases like arthritis, abnormal walking patterns, or even an overly long 2nd metatarsal bone.
I can offer some of the most up to date advice and techniques, some of which will be delivered in the clinic (advanced medical padding/strapping techniques), shoes review, walking analysis, stretching regimes and specialist insoles or orthotics. (See the Biomechanics MSK section)
In severe cases surgical/steroid options will be discussed; whilst not undertaken at the clinic I liaise closely with local practitioners for referrals to make sure the most appropriate medical pathway is taken.
Bunions and Hammer toes
Bunions are bony bumps that usually form at the junction of the big toe and foot, which can become red or sore. Hammer toes occur over the smaller toes and look like the toes bend downwards, so that the nail hits the floor. They are acquired over many years and cause people a great deal of anxiety, not least because sometimes they can become painful. This is especially true if shoes are not fitting properly. In truth the cause is usually inherited foot abnormalities or arthritis.
Treatment depends on the severity of the bunion and how much of a problem it causes you. I will discuss all the shoe wear options, including advise on the latest shoe modifications available. I may offer strapping/splinting using specialised silicones or padding. You may require walking analysis, stretching regimes and specialist insoles or orthotics. In severe cases surgical/steroid options will be discussed; whilst not undertaken at the clinic I liaise closely with local practitioners for referrals to make sure the most appropriate medical pathway is taken.